Is 35 minutes enough time to connect flights at the Memphis International airport?
The departure time of my flight is only 35 minutes after the arrival time of my first flight. I will be on Northwest airlines!
Air Travel - 11 Answers
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1 :
It is cutting it close but as long as you are on time it should be okay. I have cut it closer at Atlanta.
2 :
yes. most of the time if a flight is gonna cut it close they will wait for the flight. Dont count on time to eat or go to the bathroom etc. but if the flight is on time you will have enough time. It will also make your travel day go by very quickly :)
3 :
I've only been to the airport twice and that was when I visited my best friend who moved to Memphis. If I remember correctly, I do not think the airport is HUGE. It is large but not huge like Charlotte International Airport(ugh I hate this airport). 35 minutes is not a lot of time for a person to catch their connection in any situation but it can be done, especially if your flight is not delayed. My suggestion would be to see if you can look at the terminal map of the Memphis International Airport so you can see exactly where you would need to go. If you are on time though, I think you will be alright.
4 :
You will be cutting it very close. Here's what you should do: before your flight, print out a picture, online, of the Memphis International Airport, that way you will know your way around when you arrive there. If you don't get lost, then you will definately make it on time! But print out that picture, know where your going, and you wont have any issues!
5 :
You only have to worry about getting yourself to the connecting flight since the airlines will take care of your luggage so you should have enough time. Usually if the airlines builds their flights with that kind of a connection it means you are probably arriving and departing the same terminal. If you are uncomfortable you could call the airlines and see if they have a longer connection...
6 :
Memphis is TINY compared to, say, Atlanta. You should have no trouble. Is this a true "connection"? Were the flights booked together? The airline won't sell you a ticket for a connection they don't expect you to be able to make. It causes them too much trouble.
7 :
Doubt it, the way flights are always delayed and late these days.
8 :
Airlines determine how much time is needed to connect. They will not sell you a flight where you do not have enough time. The Memphis airport may be huge (not sure) but you do not have to cross the whole thing. Likely your gates will be very close to each other. This will only be a problem if your first flight is delayed. If you are taking the last flight of the day, you might want to go standby on an earlier flight so you have more connection time.
9 :
Do not ever take this kinda risk. Im a travel agent and always tell my traveler to allow at least 1hr for transit. You shouldn't just look at the size of the airport. You also need to consider how effective the airport operations is. With only 35mins, you have no time to buffer if your flight is late or you are given a last row seat for your previous plane and the people in front of you moves are super slow speed. And Northwest isnt always on time..what if your flight is slightly late, like 10mins? It might not mean much to most people, but is crucial in your situation. Im sure you dont want to feel like you are in the amazing race. Besides, if everything goes smoothly, you might be left wondering whether they have enough time to move your luggage.
10 :
Northwest isn't the most on time airline, but, weather in memphis is usually good and traffic doesn't get bad in the day time.
11 :
You didn't say were you are connecting on to and it depends on a number of things. If it is domestic to domestic and NW to NW you should be OK but if it is NW to another carrier probably not enough time. As well, if it is to an international flight for sure not enough. The other thing is that it depends how you booked this i.e. expedia etc. sometimes these sites give you the cheapest fares but the connections are legal. You should call NW and double check. Have a good trip!