What's the best site for cheap flight tickets?
I need some help finding some cheap flight tickets. This will be my first time flying and I'm not familiar with a reasonable price of plane tickets. I will be flying from Memphis, TN to Los Angeles California April 12-15. What are web sites that I can go to to find some reasonable price plane tickets and what's the best day to buy those tickets?
Air Travel - 6 Answers
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1 :
The best site from my experiences is orbitz. I always find good deals. Unfortunately, the best time to buy tickets is either Saturday at midnight or Wednesday at midnight. It's one of those, but I'm not sure which. I am more positive about Wednesday, though. Reasonable plane tickets for your trip should be from $250 to $350. I searched orbitz and with those dates, I found the cheapest tickets are $266. For future reference, try to book a lot earlier than this, if possible, because you have more time to search for the best deals and as you get closer to the travel dates, the prices go up. Good luck and happy ticket hunting!
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There are certainly many website that offer deals on travel, keeping that in mind I always suggest comparing prices with several travel websites before booking any travel. Many of the "big" name sites are really owned by the same company (hence the prices will all be about the same). If these are the only sites you check, then you won't know that there are better deals out there! I suggest always trying this travel site to compare prices (hope this helps)! www.everydaytravelconnections.com
4 :
There is no best day to buy tickets. The price can change at anytime. Now there are certain days that will make your trip cheaper as in flying midweek to midweek. With only a month out, it is highly unlikely that you will find cheap fares anymore. Except fares to only go up.
5 :
Honestly the best way to go is to book directly through the airline's website. I have ran across too many passengers who have had their itineraries messed up by third party booking companies. I checked Continental Airlines for you and the price quote with taxes and all is $291.30. United shows a little bit higher at $445. US Airways shows $414. Delta Airlines shows $445. American Airlines shows $444. Like I said, I've seen too many itineraries messed up or dropped by places like Orbitz or Cheap-O-Air. Continental Airlines would be your best bet!
6 :
Try http://www.kayak.com. Delta/Northwest should have a direct flight from Memphis to LAX. I would start searching for tickets now and buy no later than March 28. Sometimes flying on a Tuesday or Wednesday is a little cheaper so if you are flexible with your dates of travel, that would be good. Another option is if you are willing to drive to Nashville, Southwest Airlines flies out of there and the ticket price may be a little lower.