Should this affect my flight?
We are going on our honey moon on Sept. 24th and flying out of Mephis to Jamaica. The Airline is Northwest Airlines, and I heard that the workers are going on strike. We've already had so much trouble out of the airline. They changed thier flight schedule and now instead of leaving out of the Louiville airport we have to drive to Memphis on the wedding night to get on a plane there, so it wouldn't interfere with our reservations at the resort. Would the strike affect my flight, or should it be over by then?
Aircraft - 3 Answers
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1 :
I live in Detroit, which is where Northwest has another one of its main hubs. The word on the street here is the Northwest execs don't want a strike, so they're working very hard to avoid one. If they do strike, there will be some interruption of service and some flights will be canceled, but there's no way of knowing how all that will fall out unless they DO go on strike.
2 :
it should be over by then.
3 :
Either way - Good Luck I would actually, contact my travel agent, and try to make other flight arrangements. Congrats