Re-imbursed for a trip taken on Feb. 29th, 2008?
We had a very bad problem with Delta while flying to Pensacola, Fl. We missed a flight in Memphis due to weather conditions in Grand Rapids, Mi. Upon our arrival there we were given tickets to fly to PNS to Ft. Lauderdale at 7:30 PM There were four of us traveling together for a MS cruise out of FLL, two of them made it on the Delta Flight. The two of us who were traveling with them to assist them because of their medical condition were turned back at the gate because they claim NW failed to put the required number on our ticket. It was a E-ticket Number. Consequently we missed our flight. After haggling with both Delta and NWA we were put on a flight the following day. We gave the person at the gate all of our itinery and the e-ticket number was on everything. We called Minneapolis and they found it on the computer right away. Delta was very nasty with it was our fault. We had to pay half for our room in FLL which was $50.00 a piece.
Air Travel - 3 Answers
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1 :
Several things that will make a difference. If NWA gave control of your ticket to Delta ( rule 240) Re booking for canceled delayed or misconnect you should be dealing with Delta. Once NWA re booked you as a confirmed Passenger Delta is the responsible airline and trust me NWA payed plenty to confirm you on that flight. I would request a full refund for expenses and the flight as you missed your cruise. It may take a letter to a VP but it is the contract of carriage.
2 :
Airlines that have rebooking/rerouting policies derived from the obsolete Rule 240 (it disappeared when airlines were deregulated) generally do not apply the rule in the case of weather delays. Therefore, the first answer does not apply in this instance, since the initial delays and subsequent reroutes were weather-related. Contractually, neither NW or DL owe anything to you as a result of this incident. From a customer-service standpoint, however, their errors caused your overnight delay, and to that end, I would definitely explain to DL and NW your issues and ask for your hotel room to be reimbursed. It may or may not work, but I think that's your only chance for compensation here.
3 :
well, regardless of who did what, when...the bottom line is that the initial reason for your troubled day, was, weather. had it not been for the weather that day that made you miss your connecting flight in memphis, you would have sailed to FLL and your cruise on time. Weather is an act of God and out of the airlines control. Most airlines will not compensate for anything under those conditions. Contact any airline and ask to read their 'Contract of Carriage', and all of them will tell you the same thing. In this time of economic upheaval in the airline guess is that you're just going to have to eat it on this one...but then, it never hurts to voice your displeasure...remember...the squeeky wheel, SOMETIMES gets the grease.